Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Humble Musings Of The Manhattan Monk 4/12/11

Humility is the patience we need to plant seeds in the hearts of our friends, and then to do our best to help those seeds blossom, through careful and thorough watering, weeding, love, and care. It's abandoning the idea that any of this is happening overnight. No quick cures or conquests. It's the motivation for the journey, the joy for the art of the relationship being discovered, a true love that never threatens to cease or be discouraged.

Humility is knowing we can fall at any second, pushed like a dry, dead leaf by the winds of our mind. It is a desperation from this realization that gives us no choice but to the cling to lotus feet of the Lord, of our teachers and guides. It's knowing that the biggest joke around is thinking we are the all-powerful, all-strong Center of the Universe. It's a cry for constant shelter to protect ourselves from our false ego.

Humility is very clearly understanding that what is being done is not our sole doing. In fact, it is knowing that what is accomplished is done by very little of our own ability or talent, but by the mercy of Krishna. It is also very clearly knowing that although what we do is small, nevertheless if it's saturated in enough of our actual sincerity, it is powerful enough to attract the mercy of Krishna. It is the constant attempt to purify our sincere attention.

Humility is the perspective that will pull us through the painful journey within, the effort to see who we actually are by first confronting who we are not. It is the foundation to make sure we are not driven mad or astray by the intensity of facing up to who we are not. It is knowing the need to fully take shelter of the spiritual personalities that surround us to understand what is happening to us. It's not going through the abyss alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"It's knowing that the biggest joke around is thinking we are the all-powerful, all-strong Center of the Universe" reminded me of an old Jewish saying: "If you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plans." :D